The Preschool Promise ...

High-Quality Preschool for Every Child!

High-quality preschool today will mean the best possible tomorrow.
For all our children.

What we know.


Scientific research confirms that 90% of a child’s brain develops before they’re 5 years old. What shapes that development? It depends on the type and quality of each child’s experience.


How do these factors make the difference? High-quality early childhood experiences mean that success is more likely in school, and in life. It means they are more likely to be physically healthier, easing demand on public welfare. They are more likely to be employed. That means not only better lives for these future adults, but significant savings for taxpayers in the future.


It’s a win-win for everyone.

High-quality early childhood experiences mean that success is more likely in school, and in life.

Who we are.


In southern Arizona, The Preschool Promise is a growing and diverse coalition of educators, business leaders, community organizations, parents, and concerned citizens who support the goal of making high-quality preschool available for all our children a reality. Together we seek to generate funding to ensure that more of our children can attend a high-quality preschool. In a recently completed survey, a bipartisan majority of Pima County voters said they support increasing access to high-quality preschool, and they were willing to pay for it.


Nobel laureate in Economics, James Heckman, has calculated that for every dollar invested in High-quality early childhood education, a community will realize savings of more than 12 dollars in avoided costs of juvenile justice, incarceration, welfare and other social program spending. This movement to achieve High-quality early childhood education for every child in our community is founded in science, proven by research and is an investment for a lifetime of success. Please join our coalition and support The Preschool Promise … High-Quality Preschool for Every Child.

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